
Showing posts from December 4, 2016

Sweet Potato Pie

Hello dear readers! I hope you are all enjoying the amazing food specialties that accompany this holiday season. I have been on a pie kick. You could say I have been crazy for sweet potato pie.  Now, normally we have pumpkin pie with Thanksgiving Dinner, and that is the only time of the year canned pumpkin is in the house. Well, I always have at least one sweet potato lurking somewhere. I don't know what got me so fired up, but I just had to have sweet potato pie. So I made one, for practice. Then we ate it. It did not suck. So I made another one. That one didn't last more than two days. It may have been breakfast one morning. Then, I had to make one more so we could have pie for the whole family at my folks' house for Thanksgiving. After mowing down three of these babies in a row, I knew I had to post this for everyone to enjoy. Ingredients Unbaked single crust for a 9" pie, use either  Pie Crust No. 1 or Pie Crust No. 3 2 garnet yams or other oran